Have you overlooked purchasing your 2025 McMillan Publications Calendar? We still have a supply of all six of our calendars: Santa Fe, BNSF, Rio Grande (standard gauge), Union Pacific, CSX, and Norfolk Southern.

All six of our 2025 Calendars are now on closeout for $8.00 each plus shipping ($7 for one calendar and $1 for each additional)


DVD: $797.00 TWD

Widescreen ONLY. Union Pacific hotshots, double stacks, grain trains, manifests, and coal trains on the high plains of Wyoming, Colorado, and Nebraska. The Sidney Sub, part of the Overland Route, runs from Cheyenne to North Platte and see over fifty trains a day. Grain elevators decorate the landscape, and make an impressive background to the constant parade of trains. List price $29.95, 105 minutes. SKU: HPHDVDW. Posted 1-6-09.