Have you overlooked purchasing your 2025 McMillan Publications Calendar? We still have a supply of all six of our calendars: Santa Fe, BNSF, Rio Grande (standard gauge), Union Pacific, CSX, and Norfolk Southern.


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Blu-ray: $861.00 TWD


Since its founding in October 1987, the Montana Rail Link has plied the rails laid down by the Northern Pacific in Montana's Big Sky country. It has served as a bridge line for the Burlington Northern and later BNSF between Jones Junction, Montana and Sandpoint, Idaho. In addition to handling main line freight, MRL has provided rail service to many local customers along its 900-plus miles of track utilizing several branch lines.

 In January 2022, news of the MRL agreeing with BNSF to end its lease brought many railfans out to Montana to see their beloved regional railroad one last time, not knowing exactly when the end would come. We made several trips in 2022 and early 2023 to capture some of the hot spots at various times of the year and are proud to present this four-part series showcasing Montana Rail Link in quite likely its last years of operation.

Part 1 begins in Missoula and follows MRL’s Gas Local over the 4th and 10th Subdivisions to Pipeline. Then we turn east over the former Northern Pacific’s racetrack to Garrison. Highlights include MRL’s system-wide manifest trains, the LM (Laurel-Missoula) and ML, the Bonner Local,  both Day and Night Gas trains, and a few of the BNSF run-through trains, including coal, grain, and crude oil.

This series was created to preserve the memory of this amazing regional railroad. Farewell MRL!

List price $29.95, 120 minutes. all-color. SKU: FAREWELLMRL1DVD and FAREWELLMRL1BR. Posted April 12, 2023.